The Charley Cherng Fund

Join with us as we walk with the Cherng family by sending your tax-deductible donation to:
The First United Methodist Church
120 West Main Street
Westborough, MA 01581, USA

Checks can be made payable to "FUMC". Please write "Charley Cherng Fund" on the memo line. If you have questions, please call the church directly at (508) 366-4910.

(More details can be found in the May 20, 2007 Blog update.)

Friday, July 27, 2007

Update from Linda and Pastor John's Sharing

Hello Friends,

Our family had a chance to visit with Charley Thursday afternoon. Our kids enjoyed drawing/coloring with him and watching some new TV shows. Charley really enjoys other children and feels at home with them right away. Charley would get quite uncomfortable at times with pain in his belly, being tired, and feeling hot. As I prayed for his stomach pain I thought how brave he is and how loved he is by both his parents and His Heavenly Father.

The Cherngs are currently getting daily blood work reports. The best news is that his blast count and WBC went down today after the first dose of chemo yesterday which indicates the chemotherapy is helping. The WBC decreased from 16,000 to 8,800 while the blats in peripheral bloods dropped from 11,234 to 3,680. Deborah and Nehemiah are pursuing dietary and nutritional therapies. Charley is handling the NG tube feedings better now with a new pump. Deborah works very hard to blend/puree his special diet as well as to get up three times a night to feed Charley (he is able to sleep through).

Continue to pray for the Lord's gracious hand upon Charley - for healing, to ease any pain in his belly and legs, effective dietary changes.
Pray for peace, guidance and financial provision as they seek alternative therapies. Ask for rest for Deborah and Nehemiah and whatever support they need.

Thank you for standing with them.

In His hand,


Pastor John’s Message:
Pastors John and Leigh visited Cherngs Thursday morning. In addition to praying for Charley, Pastor John led a fellowship with the parents. This was a refreshment to Deborah & Nehemiah in the midst of managing the crisis. The parents are nourished by the following sharing:

1. We are the salt to world:
a. Charley has been the salt to the body of Christ.
b. Church is the salt to Charley and the family. Each member’s prayer and care add up the salt ingredient until it radiates the flavor through the trial of Charley’s illness.

2. Treasures in Jars of Clay. II Corinthians 4:7-13 (Holy Bible).
The Cherngs are “hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed.” The joy of hope of Charley’s fighting leukemia is our strength.

3. The thorn in Paul’s flesh & God's Grace is Sufficient. II Corin 12:7-10.
Charley has disease which is attached by Satan. Nevertheless, “My grace is sufficient for Charley, for my power is made perfect in weakness” and “Christ’s power may rest on Charley” (12:9). This is the personal testimony of Apostle Paul, one of God's greatest servants.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you for your words, Pastor John!

I frequently ask God how a child with a heart of gold and a contagious smile could be afflicted by such a horrible disease. Why has Charley been struck with such hardship? Can there possibly be an acceptable explanation?

The answer God continues to give me is summed up in the explanation of the thorn in Paul’s flesh. Because of Charley’s ailment, so many around him have become closer to God. My faith continues to grow as I realize the strength and necessity of God’s power. God continues to answer so many of our prayers – just a few months ago, He responded to our prayers and brought Charley from the valley of the shadow of death. Since I saw Charley in the ICU months ago I haven’t taken one moment with him for granted.

Because of Charley’s condition, I have also had the fortune to get to know Charley’s family and friends. It seems selfish to think this way, but I may have never been blessed with such close friends had I not met Charley at the hospital. For years, I have been unsatisfied with my level of faith and Deborah and Nehemiah’s example has provided a guide for my own faith. Charley’s thorn has inspired my growth in God.

Now that my “why” question is answered, I continue to struggle with the question of whether or not this is all worth it. It is not natural to accept such a disease (especially in a child) in return for anything. I guess you could say that this is going to require a lot more prayer and fellowship.

-Erin Le