The Charley Cherng Fund

Join with us as we walk with the Cherng family by sending your tax-deductible donation to:
The First United Methodist Church
120 West Main Street
Westborough, MA 01581, USA

Checks can be made payable to "FUMC". Please write "Charley Cherng Fund" on the memo line. If you have questions, please call the church directly at (508) 366-4910.

(More details can be found in the May 20, 2007 Blog update.)

Friday, April 13, 2007

Letter from Linda

Hello Dear Friends,

Charley is battling sepsis - an infection of the blood. Today he had a central port (like a central line/ permanant IV in his chest) removed in an attempt to close off any possible sources of infection. Pray that the doctors will quickly determine which bacteria are causing it so they can treat with the appropriate antibiotic. (He is currently on 5 antibiotics).

A problem related to sepsis is ARDS (Aquired Respitory Distress Syndrome). We thank God that he currently has no lung infection, but there is inflammation and fluid in his lungs. In order to maintain needed oxygen levels in his blood, Charley was placed on a BI-PAP (?) to help him breathe. However, while on this, he vomitted and doctors feared he may have inhaled some vomit. We had quite a scare with a team of doctors and nurses surrounding him to suction it out.

During the surgery to remove the port, Charley was intubated (on a respirator) and they decided to keep that in place for now. They also placed an NG tube (feeding tube) in his nose.

Charley is on a medication to help him sleep and his pain seems better controlled with methadone. His blood pressure is more stable. He remains in the ICU.

Grandma, mom and dad are all at his side.

Ask the Lord to heal Charley's infection; to increase his white blood count, isolate the guilty bacteria to treat effectively. May the Lord protect his lungs -- no infection, inflammation and fluids to go down so he can breathe on his own.

For his family: pray for an overabundant source of grace and strength. Pray for clear communication between all involved, PEACE and wisdom to make right decisions. Also pray that our God show Himself to be the provider with Nehemiah's work/business.

In His Hands,

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