Nutrition and Fun!
To Charley's Friends and Family,
Over the past few days, Charley has had more of an appetite and several fun events!
Last Thursday, his social worker set up a birthday party for Charley's bear. Charley invited other 6-North friends to sing happy birthday to his bear and to enjoy some birthday cake.On Friday, Charley vomited up his NG tube and it was removed. On Saturday, Charley was brave as he had to get another NG tube. That evening, my 7-year old cousin, Steven, came to visit Charley. Charley enjoyed making sock puppets and playing Go Fish! It is amazing how Charley responds to young playmates; they bring him so much energy!
On Sunday, Charley went to a movie show in the Resource Room and saw Night at the Museum. He enjoyed the movie, along with popcorn and the company of other children. Charley even assisted to prepare popcorn for the party.
Deborah has been adding nutritional meals to Charley's NG tube, such as vegetable and rice broth. It seems that this is helping his appetite to come back. Yesterday morning, Charley was enjoying hash browns. Unfortunately, his NG tube came up again on Monday. Brave Charley had the second replacement without problem.
Charley's parents went to a CPR course yesterday. Today, after almost 4 months (110 days) in the hospital and the doctors meeting in the afternoon, Charley was discharged this evening and got home at 9 pm. Charley was so happy and ate a late dinner. This is the first meal Charley desired to take since he was in the ICU (April 10). Praise God and let's pray for them as they make this next transition!
After the dinner, his feeding tube was hooked to a pump so he will have enough fluid and nutrients over night. Being an outpatient, Charley will need frequent platelet transfusions due to severe thrombocytopenia. However, we can help to reduce the number of these procedures by donating platelets directly to him if any nearby blood bank is willing to set up for Charley. We do not have the details of how to make this possible yet, but please look for more information in the next few days.
Prayer Requests:
* God will be with Deborah, Nehemiah, and Grandparents as they help Charley and each other to make the transition home as smooth as possible.
* May Charley's appetite continue to improve so that he can get the energy he needs to fight his leukemia.
* God will provide Charley with an abundance of platelets from friends and family so that Charley's need for blood transfusions can be minimized.
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