The Charley Cherng Fund

Join with us as we walk with the Cherng family by sending your tax-deductible donation to:
The First United Methodist Church
120 West Main Street
Westborough, MA 01581, USA

Checks can be made payable to "FUMC". Please write "Charley Cherng Fund" on the memo line. If you have questions, please call the church directly at (508) 366-4910.

(More details can be found in the May 20, 2007 Blog update.)

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Charley’s update from Linda

Hello Everyone,

I spoke with Nehemiah on the phone this evening and would like to share with you some wonderful news. We are so thankful to the Lord for answering our prayers.

Charley has been off the respirator since Monday afternoon. The feeding tube has also been removed. He was on the BIPAK most of the time until this morning. Today, except for a few hours on the BIPAK, he is able to breathe on his own with some oxygen assistance. "Every day his lungs are improving," says Nehemiah. His first words were, "I'm so happy. Everyone is taking care of me." (Doesn't that just bring great joy to your hearts???! I'm smiling as I write this : ))

When Charley awoke from the sedative, his voice couldn't make sounds, but that didn't stop him from talking and talking and asking for honeydew, pineapples, peaches, watermelon, grapes and soybean milk! While he isn't quite ready to eat yet, he is able to drink a little.

Tuesday morning Charley was able to draw and play video games though his hands were a bit shaky.

We trust that the Lord has truely laid His hand on Charley and brought about this "new life from above."

He has had a few episodes of fever of about 38.5 -38.9 degrees cel. so the doctors are still cautious. He was placed on an additional broad spectrum antibiotic. Charley’s WBC and platelet are still critical low. Doctors are concerned about getting new infections.

God has brought this family through so much. Deborah has been able to get some sleep in the room with Charley lately and even had a nap while Dad read Charley's requested Bible stories or grandma watched him on the bedside.

The family had a touching visit with Pastor Don and Pastor Andree. Pastor Don shared the Bible account of Jesus healing the blind man. Jesus asked the blind man, "what do you want me to do for you?" Pastor Don asked what would be Charley's response and he answered, "to get better and go home." Charley also said he was "very blessed to have SO MANY people coming to see me."

1. That the Lord would fully wipe out the sepsis and prevent any new infections.
2. That Charley could be well enough to transfer out of the ICU and back to the oncology unit.

3. That the healthy marrow may recover soon.
4. Give thanks : )


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