The Charley Cherng Fund

Join with us as we walk with the Cherng family by sending your tax-deductible donation to:
The First United Methodist Church
120 West Main Street
Westborough, MA 01581, USA

Checks can be made payable to "FUMC". Please write "Charley Cherng Fund" on the memo line. If you have questions, please call the church directly at (508) 366-4910.

(More details can be found in the May 20, 2007 Blog update.)

Saturday, November 11, 2006

Post-transplant Day 57(11/11/06)

At CHB, Charley woke up with a fever of 37.7C. Yesterday’s blood culture showed no abnormality. His temperature kept dropping but came back up to 38.6C in the afternoon. In addition, his blood level of immunosuppressant drug was low so it will be tested again next Monday after the dose is increased. The doctors are working to find the cause and they are treating Charley with antibiotics.

Charley’s pain is getting better daily. His walking and activity are resuming as normal. Bill, a volunteer from Harvard Univ., was playing with him. Before going to bed, Charley sang several of his favorite songs and then discussed with daddy how Elijah was ruptured to heavens with chariot of fire and horses of fire, which he learned quite a while ago.

Prayer Request:
1. Charley’s fever will be healed
2. His defense ability can be optimized with taking immunosuppressant drugs and avoiding of unexpected infections
3. Deborah and Nehemiah need strength, intelligence and precaution to practice all the post-BMT discharge instructions
4. Charley’s morality and piety increase in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man

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