The Charley Cherng Fund

Join with us as we walk with the Cherng family by sending your tax-deductible donation to:
The First United Methodist Church
120 West Main Street
Westborough, MA 01581, USA

Checks can be made payable to "FUMC". Please write "Charley Cherng Fund" on the memo line. If you have questions, please call the church directly at (508) 366-4910.

(More details can be found in the May 20, 2007 Blog update.)

Friday, September 21, 2007

Condolences Recieved from 9/6-9/21

Deborah and Nehemiah feel blessed by your kind words. Thank you for continuing to share through your memories and through your shared sadness.

Condolences received in e-mail September 6-21, 2007
Posted at Charley’s Guestbook

From Andrea Figueras (9/06/2007)
Our thoughts and prayers are with you in your time of grief. May your memories bring you comfort.
May you continue to be strong during this difficult time.

Condolences through Email:
From Karolyn Kloepping (9/06)
I am very sorry to hear about Charley. I have been praying for both of you and that Charley will live painlessly and happily in heaven. I hope that your pain will diminish as time goes by.
Please call or email me if you ever want to talk about anything. Take Care.

From Dr. Tamara Vesel (9/06)
Thank you so much for your e mail. I wanted to express my gratitude to have an opportunity to get to know Charlie and you and be involved in his care as a patient.

The funeral services were beautiful and being out there on the loan surrounded
but the trees, green grass and waste sky was very calming and helpful to process
such a loss as Charlie's death. I hope it will be ok with you to call you and be
present during your time of grief.

From Mr. & Mrs. Steward Yeh (葉 時豪, 9/08)
一聽到了田田離開的消息,真的不太相信這是事實,我們感到非常的難過,我想你們一定不能接受這個事實,田田給了你們許多的歡笑與淚水,如今他已經在主耶穌那裡息了他的病痛,不再打針吃藥、不再需要化療、不再受疾病的傷害、不再哭著喊著說:爸媽!我好痛喔!如今他在耶穌那裡是好得無比。是的當看到他最喜愛的東西還在,如今田田走了,是最令人感傷的事。約翰福音十四章1~3節 「你們心裡不要憂愁,你們信 神也當信我。在我父的家裡有許多住處,若是沒有我就早已告訴你們了,我去原是為你們預備地方去。我若去為你們預備了地方,就必再來接你們到我那裡去,我在那裡叫你們也在那裡」。帖撒羅尼迦前書四章13~14「論到睡了的人,我們不願意弟兄們不知道,恐怕你們憂傷,像那些沒有指望的人一樣。我們若信耶穌死而復活了,那已經在耶穌裡睡了的人 神也必將他與耶穌一同帶來」。程弟兄程姊妹!凡事皆有神的美意,不再埋怨只有感恩。
因為如 使徒行傳七章59「他們正用石頭打的時候,司提反呼籲主說,求主耶穌接收我的靈魂。又跪下大聲喊著說:主阿!不要將這罪歸於他們。說了這話就睡了」。主能夠使彼得出監獄,可以使紅海一夕分開成乾地,讓以色列人走過去;也可以讓司提反不必死,然而並非如我們所願;如今我們想起來只有感恩,沒有司提反的死就沒有保羅的被主得著,沒有保羅在路斯得被丟石頭,就沒有提摩太。聖經說:「一粒麥若不落下在地裏死了,仍舊是一粒;若是死了就能長出許多子粒來」。經歷了田田的事讓我知道神透過你們的愛心引導田田認識耶穌,也因著田田我們都同在一個負擔的禱告中彼此代禱紀念,相信你們在天上的賞賜是大的。
奉主耶穌基督得勝的名求 阿們!

From Ling chun Yeh (小叶, 9/10, Beijing)
我知道对母亲而言 没有比失去孩子还要难过的事了
他在很年轻的时候 就离开人世了
这个痛 人是很难克服的 虽随着时间可以被淡忘
因为付出的爱很多 也没有经历过如此大的事
希望我们都能在主的爱中 刚强壮胆起来

From Anti Hwang (9/11)
Just received this from a friend, like to share with you:
Whatever your cross,
whatever your pain,
there will always be sunshine,
after the rain ....
Perhaps you may stumble,
perhaps even fall,
But God's always ready,
To answer your call ...
He knows every heartache,
sees every tear,
A word from His lips,
can calm every fear ...
Your sorrows may linger,
throughout the night,
But suddenly vanish,
dawn's early light ...
The Savior is waiting,
somewhere above,
To give you His grace,
and send you His love ..
Whatever your cross,
whatever your pain,
"God always sends rainbows ....
after the rain ... "

From Debbie Goodrich (9/11)
You are in my thoughts and prayers always, and I give thanks that I have Charley as a witness for God's power and grace. I grieve with you and know your sorrow and pain. I have attached the PowerPoint slides that I have put together. God bless you both.

From Pastor Bill (9/11)
We are praying for you and believing God to do great things in your lives....

From Mary Araya (9/14)
I read this psalm this morning and thought of you and Deborah. Maybe you can share it with her. I want you to know you are thought of and loved. Peace in Jesus.
Psalm 77:1-15 (NRSV)
I cry aloud to God,
aloud to God, that he may hear me.
In the day of my trouble I seek the Lord;
in the night my hand is stretched out without wearying;
my soul refuses to be comforted.
I think of God, and I moan;
I meditate, and my spirit faints. [Selah]

You keep my eyelids from closing;
I am so troubled that I cannot speak.
I consider the days of old,
and remember the years of long ago.
I commune with my heart in the night;
I meditate and search my spirit:
"Will the Lord spurn forever,
and never again be favorable?
Has his steadfast love ceased forever?
Are his promises at an end for all time?
Has God forgotten to be gracious?
Has he in anger shut up his compassion?" [Selah]
And I say, "It is my grief
that the right hand of the Most High has changed."

I will call to mind the deeds of the LORD;
I will remember your wonders of old.
I will meditate on all your work,
and muse on your mighty deeds.
Your way, O God, is holy.
What god is so great as our God?
You are the God who works wonders;
you have displayed your might among the peoples.
With your strong arm you redeemed your people,
the descendants of Jacob and Joseph. [Selah]

The psalmist wrote, "I will remember the deeds of the Lord; yes, I will remember your miracles of long ago. I will meditate on all your works and consider all your mighty deeds."
- Psalm 77:11-12 (NIV)

TEACHING at church and finishing several writing projects had made it a good day serving God. Though exhausted, I whispered a bedtime praise, "God, thank you for the excitement of being used by you today, because all days of service aren't mountaintop experiences." I knew this well; being a pastor's wife and Christian education leader had taught me that every day isn't equally smooth. I can remember church activities that flopped, people who disappointed us, and the seemingly endless concern whether we would have enough volunteers.

People have theorized often about the purpose of bad times. But that night in bed I suddenly realized one purpose of the good times is to give us something to hold on to in the bad times! The writer of Psalm 77 knew this. The psalmist begins by crying to God in distress but soon turns to praising God's past faithfulness.

Admittedly, tough times can lead to growth. But we survive them by remembering our confidence in God for every situation.

Prayer: God, thank you that everything in our lives can be turned to your purposes and our good. Help us to cling to your faithfulness. Amen.

Praise the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits (Ps. 103:2).
-- Karen Morerod (Kansas, U.S.A.)
From Richard Moriarty, MD (Charley’s pediatrician)
My deepest sympathies to you on your loss of Charley. You had helped him wage a valiant fight against a bad disease; you had given him more happiness and love than he had in his life before he came to the US. May God bless you and comfort you.

From Christine Coffman (9/16)

I am praying for you at this incredibly difficult time. I found the newspaper notice that I was thinking of - it's a group called Compassionate Friends that meets in Holliston at St. Mary's Catholic Church every third Tuesday at 7:30pm. I found their web site .

From Stephanie Caprino (9/17)
I wanted to share with you how Charley has touched my life.
Since I was introduced to who Charley was last May by Erin Le, he has constantly been in my thoughts. I am a teacher, so it hits home especially to me as I look at all the little ones around me. I have a student who is in remission currently as well.

I joined Team in Training last year to run the Long Beach Marathon. I raised $4000 for the LLS. This is year I joined again to run the Disneyland Half and Nike Women's Half Marathon (which all proceeds going to LLS). SO far I have raised another $2000. On September 3rd I ran the Disneyland Half Marathon. We had record heat- the morning of the race it was 84 degrees with major humidity. It was such a struggle to finish. The whole way I was praying to Charley to be my guardian angel and get me through the race. I wore his name on a ribbon pinned to my jersey right next to my heart. It was the hardest run I ever had. But I believe that Charley carried me through, though I was struggling with the heat I just kept going and never quit or gave up. I knew that Charley had a lot of places to be that day, but I know that for a couple of hours he was giving me the strength I needed to complete my race. I cried my last mile as I thought of you all.

I have shared Charley's story with many many people- the teachers I teach with, the runners on my team. I am so touched by how much you gave of yourself to him. I appreciate that you were able to share his story with me, for he has touched my life in a way that is difficult to explain. I never met Charley, but I feel that I know him.

My deepest condolences to you and your family. Thank you so much for all that you have done- your kindness and compassion for others. Kind Regards.

From Mark and Joanna Hsieh (Taipei, 9/17)
To you, family of fighters, Joanna and I send our condolences to your loss. In life, perhaps we do not receive the result which we desire even if we try. Our great admiration to you for doing just that "trying". We are also certain that however brief, Charley brought joy and memories that will last a life time.

Life goes on and we are sure Charley has gone down the path of the Lord and is in good hands. It will take time to find peace again, but we hope you will.

To both of you, best wishes and gentle healing. Warmest regards

From郭玉娟 (9/18)
敬愛的程先生,程太太: 願與二位共勉之:田田, 一個珍愛生命的好孩子, 身經百戰的勇士安息了! 他那知足的微笑, 好學不倦和不屈不撓的抗病精神永存世間.他, 不再受到病痛的折磨, 更不忍愛他的父母心力交瘁, 一心一意地為他的病而奔跑. 寧可隨從天父, 回到了無病無痛的國度裡.傷心悲慟的「父毌」, 願時間作為您的心理治療師,撫平心中的痛楚和悲哀.願白髮高堂作為您的精神砥柱安穩您生活上的步調和品質, 使創傷早日痊癒!祈: 節哀順變

From Connie Hutt, Coordinator (9/17)
Your request for prayer for Glory Hom has been received and will go forth on the Prayer Line today. The Lord Bless you.

From Charles Dao (9/18)
I am so sorry for the loss of your son. I have been through this before when I lost my nephew. It is not easy to deal with, especially after the funeral service. Hope you will get through this challenging time. You both are amazing parents and wonderful good-heart people.
Please accept my most sincere condolence!
P.S. When my 7-year old nephew passed away of brain cancer in 2005. I was so sad and depressed, I finally decide to do some volunteer work and reach out to help Vietnamese children who came to US for medical treatment. It helped me to get through the tough time. Take care!

From Deborah Wells (9/18)
I met you, Nehemiah, at the compassionate friends meeting tonight. I just wanted to say it was such a privilege to meet you and hear of the great story of what God did for Charley. What a miracle that God brought him all the way to the United States to be loved and cherished by a couple who loves the Lord! If there is any miracle in this, it is that God cared for Charley in such a way that he was given a new life (albeit, short) on earth for the time he had with you.

As an adoptive mom, sometimes I struggle with people calling our family a 'ministry' because they are my kids and I just don't always look at it like that, but eventually after adopting four special needs kids, I have come to embrace that term. However, I know that you guys have had a ministry with Charley.

Please, Nehemiah and Deborah, know you are so very fresh in your grief. When we lost Andrew, I can't even tell you what happened the first few months and I am sure others could tell me many things I could not remember. Be very good to yourselves right now and give yourself a LOT of grace! I think grace is so very important in the early stages after losing a child.

I want to encourage you, as I praying for you on my way home from the meeting. Charley's legacy can live forever. Of course we would much rather have our children here on earth with us where we are, but we can learn to nurture their legacy and memory. I am praying God will give you some creative ideas on how to do this. Sometimes God wants us to do something in the physical to acknowledge the spiritual. For us, because Andrew loved sports, it was collecting balls and donating them to inner-city kids. For you it could be anything, as long as it makes you feel better and allows you to share Charley's story.

Also, as I was praying for you tonight, I felt God has a word for you! I feel he wants you to know that you have a HUGE ministry waiting for you when the time is right. Your story is so riveting and you can share Jesus to a room full of non-believers (as you did tonight) and make a difference in their lives. I believe God wants to use Charley's story to bring Glory to him.

We, in our own humanness, would have preferred for Charley to be healed and God to show his glory this way but this must not have been his plan. But because Charley loved Jesus, it would be an amazing blessing to share Jesus with others because of Charley.

I won’t go on and on...but I definitely feel God wants you to know a few things:

The story is not finished! Take heart and hold tight to what you know about the Lord.

The journey is just beginning some of it will be hard, but God will always be with you and so will Charley's spirit.

You were Good parents! You loved him well and that is the ultimate thing God wants from love Him and love others and you sacrificially loved Charley! ……

I look forward to hearing from either or both of you!

Here's our websites...

From Dr. Jing Liu (9/19)
Again, let me show my deepest sympathy to Glory and your family. My old brother died at 9 years old from the same leukemia. a very charming boy. I therefore understand your feeling. The best way to keep our memory to those children, who were separated from us are to searching for the better solution for cancer. We have been working hard on it. We have been on the way of building an International Institute of Integrated Inflammatology (I4) right now, which will be affiliated to Mass General Hospital (MGH). I4 will focus mostly on cancer focusing on cancer from point of view of cancer. That was the basis I gave the blue and white capsules to Charley. Let's action, not only tears, but fight the challenge of the cancer together.

From Maria Latta (cousin of Charley) (9/19)

Hey uncle,
I really miss charley but I know he is very happy where he is. I really miss you and hope we get to meet again. I want to see all of you and Erin/Jenifer. Hey I love you but got to go, so bye.

Sympathy Cards (Selected)
From Stacy Douglas
I just want to express my sympathy over the loss of your son. The short time that Charley was with us he touched many lives, including my own. His courage, strength and smile will never be forgotten. I was impressed by his spirit and fighting ability. Charley couldn’t have asked for better parents. Your strength was also amazing.
Charley and your family will always be in my thoughts. Thank you for letting me care for him. Love.

From Christina Leung, Anita, Judith Yu (Quincy Chinese Church of Nat Haran, MA)
昨天我翻開電腦上Charley的照片, 從他的笑容中我看到你們夫婦的愛心,關懷,忍耐和照顧,Charley是幸福的, 他現在在樂園中, 多謝你們。

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Glory Hom – Rest in the Lord

After the 2nd Cord Blood Transplant

12th Day of Transplant (9/18/2007)
今(昨?)天早上四點半便到醫院,很奇怪文筠一見到我就說要帶上新買的那個假髮, 我安慰她遲些日子再給你戴吧,在病房你又不需走來走去, 出院後再給你,她又跟我講起她的日記, 都是記載一 些吾開心的日子,我安慰她這廿二年來我們一家都有很多很開心的日子,過去這八年你雖然痛苦地與癌症鬥了那麼多次,但當中難道就沒有開心的日子嗎!你在大學 生活不開心嗎?她答:當然開心啦!我說媽媽今天上班,明天後天都請了假便來便來看你,她突然問我,我過到今天嗎?我心中有數,打個電話給她媽媽,在電話中媽媽 跟她說:Glory I love you, 她也回答: Mom, I love you too. 很自然沒有半點做作,這句話就是她與我們所講最清楚一句末了的話, 媽媽一聽她聲音直覺上已告知不妙,立刻再請假趕來醫院,真的她洗腎一小時後血壓太低,醫生群入來急救,發覺連她呼吸都很困難,推超音波來檢測心臟情況,發 覺心臟已因藥物與化療的毒性傷害了,只剩下20﹪的功能,醫生也說吸呼器只能暫時幫助她呼吸, 最終仍必會停頓。她的腎臟失效, 肝臟失效今天連心臟都失效.他們急救時本應趕我們家人出房, 但她一直叫著要Daddy. Daddy因只有我可給她安慰與平静, 他們都特准我與太太全程在她身旁, 我握著她的手, 摸著她的頭安慰她才平靜下來, 看到醫護們的神情, 我知他們都盡力想救她, 但看到文筠所受的折磨, 心如刀割, 自問難道真的如此要她接受無止境折磨嗎?

到 了半夜兩點半她的血壓不斷下降, 終於她的血壓. 心跳完全停止, 時間是清晨四點五十五分, 看著病床上的顯示幕, 心跳. 血壓等都成一直線, 忍不住淚水也直流, 我握著她的手一直送她走完她在地上的人生路. 記得她出生時我抱著她輕摸著她頭帶她離開醫院, 今天我也是輕摸著她的頭送她離開世界,她安息主懷, 在那裏再無眼淚, 再無痛苦, 她短暫的一生實在是神的榮耀.
明天安排好她殯儀之事便告知你們, 謝謝你們一直關心文筠, 為她不斷的禱告.

I arrived at the hospital at 4:30 am this (yesterday?) morning. I was surprised that Glory asked to put her on her wig when she saw me. I comforted her, saying it was not necessary since she was going nowhere, and that she could always put it on when she leaves the hospital. She chatted with me about her diary, what she jotted down was mostly 'the unhappy times'.
I comforted her, "We, as a family had some great times together over the last 22 years. Although for the past 8 years, you have been battling with cancer, I am sure there are some good times too? Don't you enjoy you college life?"

"Of course I do," she replied.

"Mom is working today. But she will take tomorrow and the day after off to come see you..."
Suddenly she responded, "Will I be able to pull through another day?"

I knew what she meant. I put Emily on the phone, her mom told her, "Glory, I love you."

Glory replied very naturally with no pretense, "Mom, I love you too."

This was the last clear sentence she uttered to us. Emily instinctly knew the moment might have come. She took off from work and came to the hospital. One hour after Glory's dialysis, her blood pressure dropped tremendously, she had difficulty breathing. Doctors rushed in with all sorts of equipment only to find that the poisonous effects of radiation left her heart with 20% capacity to function. The doctors could only help her breathe with the machine, eventually her breathing would stop.

Her kidney failed, her liver failed, and now her heart failed.

Usually we are not allowed to stay when doctors resuscitated her. But she was calling Daddy, Daddy. Only I could give her the comfort she needed. They allowed Emily and I to be with her throughout. I held her hands and stroke her head. She calmed down. By the looks of the medical team, I knew they tried their best, but when I saw Glory's suffering, my heart ached, do I really want her to go on like this?

By 2:30am, her blood pressure was dropping continuously, until her heart beat stopped, it was 4:55am. The monitor screen by her bedside flat-lined. I wept. I held her hand all the way to the end of her life's path. When she was born, I held her, stroking her head gently when we left the hospital. Today, once again, I stroke her head gently as I sent her along to rest in the arms of the Lord, a place where there is no more tears, no more suffering. Her short lived life is indeed God's glory.

I will let you know when her funeral arrangement is in place. Thank you for your love, your concern and your prayers for Glory.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Condolences Received September 3-5, 2007

Posted at Charley’s Guestbook


From Marilyn Leffler
He looked so handsome and brave when he came to church on Children's Day. Hang onto to the good memories of him. My thoughts and prayers are with you at this most difficult time.

From Erin Le
Oh, Charley, I miss you so much. You were the best student and Godson anyone could ask for. I know you are in a better place and I cannot wait to see you on the other side. Watch over Mama and Baba, OK? See you later, Alligator!

From Kohichi & Shirley Tamura (JAPAN)
Our heartfelt condolences to Charley's parents in particular, and extended family, too. We are so sorry that we did not have the opportunity to meet you in this life, Charley, but look forward to seeing you in heaven. May God's peace and comfort surround and uphold you, Deborah & Nehemiah. May the Lord remember you for the courage and love you showed your son in this life and may He reward you both accordingly. Our prayers are with you always.

25 I know that my redeemer lives, and that in the end he will stand on the earth. 26 And after my skin has been destroyed, yet in my flesh I will see God; 27 I myself will see him with my own eyes—I, and not another. How my heart yearns within me! (Job 19:25-27:Bible)

From Kim and Terry Barton
Our deepest sympathy to you and your family in this sad time. May you be comforted by the blessing you gave Charlie and made him feel so loved and secure with you there for him. May God ease your grief and feel Charlie's blessing on your lives.

From E-mails:

From Rev. Leigh Dry
This reminded me of Charley. I am sure he is helping God paint.
When God Paints. . .

He uses all His colors!
Make it an awesome day.
Peace To All and May God Bless You.

From Dr. Li Junhui (Beijing)
We are all very sad to hear the news about Charley. We all love him. I am sure God loves him since he got the great parents' love at last. God bless you.

From Dr. Tamara Vesel
I am really really sorry about Charley. He was a very sweet boy who had the best parents in the entire world. I am honored to be invited to the service tomorrow. Love to see you and give you both a big hug. You know how much I admire you as Charley's parents as well as just wonderful human beings. My thoughts are with you.

From Dar Timothy Chen

May God give you comfort and strength.

From Bill
......our prayers are with you....I am soooooo happy that you brought Charlie to the seminar last Sunday night. This was Charlie's last time in the house of God....last Sunday night, the seminar had such a presence of God. Everybody was touched by Charlie. We love you. We will pray for you this week. You have much to do and it will not be easy.

From Lu-Hai Wang
I am so very saddened to hear the passing of Charley, especially we had just heard about the encouraging words on Aug. 25th. Charley had fought against the dreadful disease bravely and admiringly with the loving support from you as parents and every friend who cares about him. Undoubtedly he has left everyone a long lasting memory of a cheerful, loving, brave young boy. Your love, devotion and tireless fight along side Charley shall stay in our memory for a long, long time. Charley has finished his journey in this world and end the suffering to begin his eternity life. We shall continue to cherish the beautiful memory he has left for his loved ones.

Please accept my most sincere condolence.

From Haishan Jian
I couldn’t attend Tian-Tian’s funeral on Monday, I could only pray and pray when I got up, was walking and eating, or driving etc. I can’t say any words to comfort you because I understand how much Tian-Tian means to you, no one can easily overcome the sadness including myself and Jennifer. I just want to say ”Take Care, my dear friends” In Him.

From Jizhao Ma and family
I just saw this email today after the long weekend. I know that there are no words can comfort you. I made this card and wish peace come to you...
From Anoma Abeyaratne
I have been keeping you both close to my heart in prayer and love. Although I would have liked to be with you tomorrow, I am covering the hospital tom and will not be with there physically. Believe me will be present with you in spirit.

I send you both my love.

From Nicole Johnson
I can not begin to tell you how terrible I feel for you all. I am very sorry I was not able to make the services - I am and was in the hospital with Christina. I was on my way to visit you all when I was told. Words can not express how I feel. PLEASE know I am still praying for you all. If there is anything I do or just listen please call me.
Love & Prayers Always,

From Fay Chao & Bob
I'm so sorry to learn that Charley has passed away. I am amazed with your love and courage over such a long struggle! Losing a child is always a parents worst fear. May God comfort you and continue to give you hope! Our hope in Jesus is a hope beyond death! Please take care of yourselves!

From Caroline Rider
I am so sorry for your terrible loss. I only met your Charley once at the Jimmy Fund Clinic when he and my son, also named Charlie, had adjacent beds in the infusion room.

Your son was a beautiful little boy who I am sure brought much joy into your life. Please accept my deepest condolences and know that you and your family are in the thoughts and prayers of my family. We will keep Charley in our hearts.

From Clement Yu (for Global Mktg Assoc.)
Sorry we couldn't make it to Charlie's services last week. Our thoughts and prayers're with you though.

We do want to remember Charley by sending something to any trust, foundation, etc that was set up under his name or for his cause. Please kindly advise to whom we should make our check payable to. Peace

Sunday, September 2, 2007

Condolences received on September 1 & 2, 2007

Sincere Sympathy
Dear Deborah & Nehemiah, It is with great sadness that we hear about Charley’s news. He was a very brave kid. May The Lord comfort you during this difficult time. We pray that the thought of Charley under our loving God`s care would comfort you. Our sincere Sympathy, Florence & Victor.

Posted on Charley’s Guestbook

From Allison Figueras
I will always remember Charlie's wonderful smile, and I know you will always have beautiful memories of him in your heart. He was a special little guy who will be remembered by many. God bless you all.

From Linda Langevin
We feel we knew Charley ,even though we never met, may he rest in peace. He touched many people here as we prayed for him, from Florida.
Our sympathy to you and your Family

From Dee Kingston
May our prayers help you at this time of sadness.

From Andrea Figueras
Our thoughts and prayers are with you in your time of grief. May your memories bring you comfort. May you continue to be strong during this difficult time.

Posted by a good friend of Charley on August 30, 2007 at her blog:
Tian-Tian, we'll always be thinking about you. This morning was tough and painful, and you finally left us this afternoon. Rest in peace with a smile now. Remember that the flashlight and drawing I sent you are meant to chase away your fears of the dark. I told you, that where there is darkness, there will always be a light. We miss you. I miss you. A lot. May whoever's up there take sympathy on a little eight-year-old boy. If there really is reincarnation, I hope he comes back as a normal, healthy boy without cancer or any other illness - and grow up to live a full, happy life. That, or stay in heaven where there will be no pain and suffering anymore.


From Yeh, Chun ling (小叶阿姨, Beijing)




我想上帝接他回家 是因为他知道田田受到病魔的打击太大


上帝的选择是我们对我们最好的 也许我们现在还体会不到







我们要一辈子称颂他 阿们

From Daiyi Tang
I know it is hard time for you and your family. Take care of your family and yourself . If there are something I can do for you, just let me know.

From Stan, Ellen, Innia & Matthew Macasieb
So sad to hear about Charley. In the short time he had been around he left quite an impact on all of us. Also, your strength, devotion, and faith has been extraordinary. Even so, we realize that you, too, are human and are in need of support right now. If there's anything we can do to help you two in the days and weeks ahead, let us know.

From Barry Peskin (Uncle Barry)
You have been an inspiration to me as I have told you before. God's love shown through you into all you did.I believe that God is love and love is God. Charley was so fortunate to have such loving devoted parents. May you find some peace and solace knowing that Charlie is in a better place with the Lord. You will be in my prayers, with love.

From James and Una Choo
We praise God for all that Charley has given us - love, amazing friendships, a stronger appreciation for all we have. We all will miss Charley.

From Caroline Rider
I am so sorry for your terrible loss. I only met your Charley once at the Jimmy Fund Clinic when he and my son, also named Charlie, had adjacent beds in the infusion room.

Your son was a beautiful little boy who I am sure brought much joy into your life. Please accept my deepest condolences and know that you and your family are in the thoughts and prayers of my family. We will keep Charley in our hearts.

From Timothy FP Chen
I'm sorry to hear Charley passed away and rested in the Lord Christ Jesus. I knew it was great loss to you. But your love and rescue to him was remembered by him and everyone concerning him and God. Although his physical body was gone but his soul and spirit still live with God. The Lord needs a lovely boy accompany with Him. Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these."

Hence he was released from sick and pain to gain peace and life. You are released from a lot of labor and anxiety to enjoy the Lord's mercy and love.

From Emily Sung

聽聞田田的消息,甚為遺憾與難過。田田有這麼愛他的父母,卻無緣長久相處。相信他在天國,一定會感念有這麼好的父母。您們夫妻倆這麼有愛心的付出 真是令人感佩。還請節哀!

From Yung-chi and Elaine Cheng
We are saddened to learn of Charley's passing. He was such a wonderful and courageous spirit to so many people especially you the loving parents. You demonstrated to him what love and sacrifices are. His life illustrated hope, tenacity, and compassion.

As we know Charley is now at a better place free of suffering. We are sure he will be looking after you the family and the larger family of faith from heaven above.

We will not be able to attend his services. But this litter boy Tian Tian already touched so many lives during his short journey on earth.

Friday, August 31, 2007

Charley's Arrangements

Friends of Charley,

The Cherng Family invites you to Calling Hours at Rand-Pickering Funeral Home in Westborough on Monday, September 3 from 6-8pm.

Rand-Pickering Funeral Home
62 West Main Street
Westborough, MA 01581

(508) 366-4458

All are invited to a graveside service for Charley at Mountain View Cemetery in Shrewsbury on Tuesday, September 4 at 1pm. The service will be followed by lunch at Imperial Buffet, one of Charley's favorite places to eat.

Mountain View Cemetery
Route 140, just north of Main Street
(Nearby address: 19 Church Street)
Shrewsbury, MA 01545

(508) 841-8503

Imperial Buffet

(Next to Price Chopper on Route 9)

380 Maple Avenue

Shrewsbury, MA 01545

(508) 890-8889

Thank you for your prayers of sympathy and love. Below is Charley's drawing of Jesus protecting him from a demon. (From last September) " Thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ." - 1Corinthians 15:57